Dustin is a great person, excellent fighter and coach. He is a master of the triangle choke, the best in this submission.
I've met Dustin first time with Rodrigo Minotauro Nogueira. It was back on the 90s. Dustin was a young kid and right away I could see his perseverance and will to learn JJ. For sure he was the first foreigner I saw that could really understand the concept of BJJ as a martial art. His biggest asset an an athlete, was not just the speed that he learned the technics, nor his respect to his training partners... His biggest quality was shown when he started to develop his own technics. It is a pleasure to see how far he went as an athlete.
I am Gaku Inano, a 3rd degree Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Dustin Denes and three times JBJJF (IBJJF Japan Federation) Black Belt Master Featherweight Champion.
I met Dustin Denes around 1997 in Silveira Brothers Miami Team. When I joined the team, I was a white belt and Dustin was a blue belt. In 1999, I returned to Japan as I graduated University of Miami, and two years later, I came to know that he moved to Brazil and became Brazilian Champion. He also started his professional MMA career and visited Japan for Shooto events and achieved the 1st ranker in Japanese Shooto organization.
In 2009 and 2013, Dustin held several Jiu-Jitsu seminars in Tokyo. He is a great Jiu-Jitsu instructor but also a great motivator who teaches discipline and champion mindset. I hit a brick wall in my 30's and early 40's with my Jiu-Jitsu career. But Dustin always told me to stay positive and keep training. As a result, I became one of the best Master BJJ competitors in Japan in late 40's.
His "lead by example" type of leadership style influenced me a lot and I am actually becoming successful in my business as well. I definitely recommend his training and seminars.
Growing up on the mat has been a game-changer for me. Having the art of Jiu-Jitsu in my life as a young female has helped me in more ways that I could imagine. I met Dustin Denes when I was seven. Fast-forward fourteen years and I am now in my third year of college with a skill that will stay with me for a lifetime because of Dustin Denes. The repetition and consistency in his way of teaching is the reason why I push so hard in life. He has so much passion for what he does and he shows up for people who show up for him. No matter who you are, he will push you past your limits and then more. After years of growing up with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I can honestly say that learning under Dustin "Clean" Denes has had a great impact on who I am today.
Alyson Colbert
If you are looking for a place to grow in every aspect of your life, Dustin Denes' training is the answer. My experience training there was humbling, gratifying and kept me in shape. Not only my mind but my body. There are only possibilities, you push yourself and when you can't anymore there is someone there rooting for you. I never felt like I wasn't good enough to be there. Master Clean made sure I was present and pushed me to become better. It's not easy but it's worth every minute of sweat and tears. It's fun, exhilarating, challenging and like I said, humbling.
My first class as a 22 year old woman, a 14 year old girl really whooped me. Never thought I would see the day someone almost half my size would get me so good. This not only motivated me to keep showing up, it made me realize how skills and consistency could beat someone bigger and stronger. I felt confident that one day I would improve and over the years I did.
The first time I put someone to sleep, was with a triangle choke and on a large man. He was out cold, and I realized I loved this sport. I love how everyone in the dojo was there to improve themselves. Imagine being around people who are in a good mood and constantly becoming better. That kind of positive energy is contagious. You will become a better version of yourself. No bullshit. ONLY respect.
Everyone should train Jiu-Jitsu. Training with Dustin Denes was not only a privilege but a part of my life I can look back at as one of the best decisions I've ever made. Building confidence, relationships and life long friendships. Take a class, maybe 2 or 3....It grows on you I promise.
Paige Bex
Developing a championship mindset, one that carries over into life, requires being training by a real champion. Not a talker.
Dustin Denes is an elite world class Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Champion and elite world class BJJ instructor. His style is for those who are willing and able to be pushed and not coddled. But the investment will touch all that you do. Whether at work, in your relationships, or in the normal ups and downs of life, you will hear him saying "Do the hard things first," "gold counts," "good is the enemy of great" etc. This no holds barred, take no prisoners approach to Jiu-Jitsu is a "No excuses" zone always tempered with the deep amount of attention to making every minute count.
When I first started Jiu-Jitsu many years ago, I didn't know what to expect. It was a great martial art and I enjoyed it as a hobby or as something to help me get in shape. That was until one day we had a guest instructor, Dustin "Clean" Denes. Jiu-Jitsu stopped being a hobby that day and became a way of life. Dustin came into the gym and commanded the respect of everyone in the building. He taught a tough class with brutal submissions. The warmup alone was enough to test your spirit. Dustin had us drill his moves over and over until it was second nature. I left that class and decided that I wanted to be a Jiu-Jitsu fighter, not just a weekend warrior. Dustin has been my instructor ever since. He didn't train me to compete, he trained me to win gold medals. He didn't want me to go into any competition out of shape or without the will to withstand any onslaught. Dustin has the ability to submit you and teach you. He didn't just drag me around the mats and put me in vicious locks for his own benefit. He broke it down in clear detail. He showed me where I failed, and where I succeeded. Dustin never gave up on his students. I know that firsthand. Dustin created game plans for me on the white board focusing on my strengths, and killing my weaknesses. I always knew where I stood with Dustin, and I was always prepared to fight. Dustin uses razor sharp techniques and submissions so there is no doubt that when you or any other of his students compete, or even just train, they will be ready for anything.
I'm a retired Marine with 2 combat tours, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. My whole career was in combat arms: infantry and special operations (Reconnaissance Marine). I've always pursued and lived the Spartan life; and am always in search of the next challenge.
I've never forgotten a technique I've learned from Dustin Denes. He expects excellence, he goes hard and he expects intensity in his clinics. It reminds me of my wrestling days. We drill with intensity and excellence. Dustin doesn't hold back. He gives one hundred percent when he coaches and the techniques are high level basics...always. Dustin always says, "Jiu-Jitsu is for the few, not the many!" He brings his mentality to his clinics and to his teaching. The techniques aren't party trick Jiu Jitsu. His techniques are high ratio of success moves. Coupled with the intensity he instills in his students, the techniques have proven success in crushing competitors at every level. Our club has been more successful because of Dustin.
My life has also been more successful because of Dustin's influence. If you want to pursue excellence, and are serious about improving every aspect of your life, train with Dustin. His instruction is top notch.
As a devoted father to a dedicated Son's martial arts training, my vantage is from a Parent's perspective. I had wrestled and was fortunate to spend a month at Iowa Intensive Camp when I was 16 (my Son's current age). During that month I trained under J. Robinson and many NCAA & Olympic champs. I still recall the silent awe when Dan Gable walked into the wrestling room. It taught me sacrifice and discipline on a level far beyond anything I had ever experienced. Fast forward. Since that experience I've always known that to excel at the highest level we must surround ourselves with similar mindsets.
We met Professor Clean in 2015 during a seminar at my Son's school (JGMMA in Cincinnati). It's often said people don't meet by accident. We had been to many seminars but this one was by far the most impactful. BJJ knowledge and delivery method on a world-class level. Intense and regimented. No nonsense. No wasted time. All focus on quality and detail. Equal attention allotted to everyone regardless of age or rank. Positive energy! We haven't missed a "Clean" seminar since! Yep. They're intense, but the results have been phenomenal.
Joel Singer
I met Professor Denes during a seminar in 2015. I was eleven at the time, and I still remember the words he told me before we stepped on the mat, he said 'don't be nervous.' Years later, I still believe this quote encapsulates his attitude towards not only Jiu-Jitsu, but life. The training is incredibly intense, the most intense sessions I've ever experienced across twelve years of martial arts, but his infectious attitude has helped me push through and become both a better martial artist and a stronger person. Being fortunate enough to train under him for these past seven years has elevated my mindset and strengthened my resolve beyond what they would have ever reached otherwise.
Ethan Singer
I've got over 33 years of martial arts experience, a decent international trophy cabinet but only 3 years of BJJ experience - BJJ has like the 'second life' of my martial arts journey. With a good pedigree of experience under my belt it is fairly easy to work out who are the world-class teachers and practitioners. Dustin stands out as a man amongst men. He delivers in every way... he puts you at the center of his teaching, he notices where your game will benefit the most, he focuses on delivering to you a unique experience that raises your mental and physical ability to another level. For me, that's why I'm happy to travel 4000 miles for that experience.
Dustin is a trailblazer for American Jiu-Jitsu, a mentor and motivator to all. As I was a young white belt I read an article of Dustin living in Brazil, training multiple times per day and crushing the tournament scene in the late 90s. This motivated me to follow suit. Dustin has a passion and knowledge of a true master.
I like to win. Whether on the mat, in the ring, or in the courtroom, I really like to win. And when I win, I know it wasn't by accident. I win because I have a winner's mindset. I win because I thought not one, not two, but three steps ahead of the other guy. And I truly believe the reason I can do these things, the reason I win, is because I have been trained -physically as a Jiu-Jitsu fighter, but also mentally- by Professor Dustin Clean Denes. While Dustin's fighting skills and techniques are extraordinary, it is his mental strength and outlook that have had the most profound impact on me. I have known Dustin for over 15 years now. He is a uniquely talented fighter and gifted teacher. I am proud to be his student.
Paul Geller a/k/a Super, BJJ Black Belt, Litigator, Robbins Geller Rudman & Down, LLP
Dustin Denes teaches the best BJJ seminars I've been to in my 19+ years of training. His focus, energy, humor, and eye for detail make him a great teacher, but what sets Dustin's seminars apart is the intensity. Dustin's seminars feel like old school wrestling clinics- he shows you how to perform fundamental techniques perfectly against skilled opponents, nothing fancy, then makes you drill until you can do it perfectly too. I always walk away feeling sore, but that my Jiu-Jitsu has genuinely improved. Dustin has helped me develop as a black belt immensely and reminded me to dig deeper and seek mastery over the Jiu-Jitsu basics I learned back when I first started training.
Matt Young, Black Belt Durango Martial Arts
Dustin Denes is quite proficient in handling and maintaining of all families of venomous reptiles.
Rian Gittman, Owner of Underground Reptiles and The UG Grappling Club
Dustin "Clean" Denes no nonsense approach to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a sure fire way to creating champions, not just on the mat but in life. When Dustin Denes steps on the mat his presence is known and felt, when you learn something from Clean you will never forget it.
Dustin Denes knows what it is like to achieve greatness he believes in not stoppin at nothing to achieving your goals, and having someone like that around is a game changer. Dustin Denes has an eye for detail when it comes to Jiu-Jitsu, he will take what you are already doing and improve upon it, this eye for detail comes from world class experience. The mindset that Clean brings to the mat is next level, he shows you that you are much more capable that what you think you are.
Daniel McGuire, Black belt
Professor Clean is intense, and it's obvious that he enjoys teaching and sharing his vast knowledge of Jiu-Jitsu. He watches every student carefully. He sees every invisible detail that can be tweaked to improve your submissions and he does not hesitate to correct you. After attending a few of his seminars, there was no question that I left each time having gained skills that could be executed reflexively -- even in my sleep. This is not an instructor for everyone; only those who value hardwork and focus.
Caroline King
As a military veteran, I'm drawn to activities and disciplines that are structured. Discipline is key. I've trained with quite a few instructors and masters within the BJJ community. Master Dustin Denes is one of the most disciplined and structured masters out there. He is the definition of what a legend is and it's an honor to call him a friend as well as instructor. He helped me improve upon my BJJ game and he also encouraged me to cross train between different styles that are functional and best for me according to my style of grappling. For those that have not had the honor of training with him, you're missing out. He will not baby you and respect is the word. For anyone who wants to learn or improve your grappling game, I highly recommend you seek out the Chop Master.
Devin Moultrie, Military veteran, Black Belt Moncaio Brothers
Training with Dustin "Clean" Denes is tough and grueling but he is very precise on the teaching of moves and the constant drilling of those moves that become instilled in your head. His method of training is excellent. Clean not only has an interest to better each of his students in the art of Jiu Jitsu but also has an interest in their well being.
Eric Porschen
Training in Jiu-Jitsu under Master Dustin Denes is a life changer and beyond inspirational! His influence on the mat, and in life's mission is contagious. For me he has instilled strategies that lead to success over and over again. Choosing to train under his guidance has opened up the gates to achieving unlimited growth, and more than any other single source created a personal pathway to success.
I'll never forget the day when the lingo and phrases we associate with our Jiu-Jitsu became a reality within a whirlwind of opportunities, big opportunities! All coincided on the same day September 17th. I asked myself "how can they all three fall on the exact same day?" On that day I had three choices to pick from; one was to be in Los Angeles Hollywood, Red carpet to stand beside actor Laurence Fishburne. I would no doubt boost my status as a performer in the movie industry. The second was that I was given a rather large speaking audition from my agent to go to, again pretty significant opportunity that might pay off if I was chosen for the role in a movie. Finally on that day was the fact that Master Dustin Denes was having our seminar in Colorado.
Mesmerized I contemplated a word that Master Clean had drilled into all of us from the beginning ... SACRIFICE!!! make your sacrifices to get ahead and stay ahead. I decided to sacrifice those two other significant opportunities in order to dedicate myself 100%; To make Jiu-Jitsu the most important thing on that day; my instincts led me to that decision, and it was the right one. On that day I name "A day of great sacrifice" September 17th. I became a Master Clean Purple belt."
Mike Kirby, Mountain Lion Jiu-Jitsu NM, "CLEAN" Brown Belt
I have been to many Dustin "Clean" Denes seminars and he teaches some of the best seminars ever! He is one of the most intense people I have ever met but he cares about making sure you learn what he is teaching. He spends one on one time with the students and makes sure that you are "jiu jitsuing" your feet to make a position tighter. I have so much respect for Clean and not just because he choked one of my Professors completely out showing a triangle. Haha! I recommend everyone go to his seminars. He is a beast and will make your jiu jitsu so much better!
Tiffany Wright, Black Belt, JGMMA
I've attended two of Dustin's seminars with my dad. To say that Dustin is passionate about what he does is a significant understatement! He walks you through progressions that seem so simple at first, but as he breaks it down and you drill it over and over, your technique will become drastically fine-tuned. You will leave each seminar exhausted, but with much more knowledge of getting the progressions just right! Dustin happily takes the time to aid in questions afterwards. He genuinely cares about those who take his seminars! I have very much enjoyed both seminar I attended!
Celeste K.
We have a pretty large competition BJJ team at Fit Plus and we were looking for a bit of outside help. I had heard of Dustin through the BJJ grapevine and thought he would be a good fit. I was wrong. He was a GREAT FIT!!! Dustin brought a new level of intensity to the team and we couldn't have been happier. He was a great motivator and blended old school BJJ with cutting edge methods. The reviews of his custom tailored seminar for us came back all positive and we can't wait for the next opportunity to work with "Clean."
Scott MacLean, Head Coach, Fit Plus Martial Arts
I first heard of Dustin Denes from one of my coaches. My coach sent me one of Dustin's YouTube videos and after watching it, I was hooked. I then began to watch all of his videos on YouTube. Watching his videos would always light a fire under me. I was actively competing at the time as a purple belt, and I was having hit or miss performances at tournaments. Finding Clean helped me focus on having a champion mindset, and not just showing up to tournaments to compete, but showing up to win, because "Gold counts". Since then I've won almost every tournament and division I've entered, and never not made the podium. Shortly after discovering Dustin I was lucky enough to attend a seminar of his in San Diego and I was truly impressed with his talent for teaching. His focus was on what our game needed and how he could help improve it, rather than just showing us a random move or sequence like many other seminars end up being. What I learned from him that day I still use in my game every time I roll. Whenever I train for a tournament, and before I compete I always watch Dustin's videos to give me that extra gas for the fire before going to battle. "Success through hard work, Jiu-Jitsu Chop!"
Nick Oliver, Adult division Black Belt competitor supreme
I met professor Clean back in 2006. I was new at Jiu-Jitsu and couldn't have gotten any luckier in meeting him. His passion for the art was abundantly clear and he was getting me up to speed really quickly. With immense attention to detail and battle proven techniques. I've had the honor and privilege of being his student from white belt all the way to black belt. And he instills in his students a champion mentality that doesn't just stop on the mats, it carries over into the rest of life as well. Whether the goal is to just be proficient in Jiu-Jitsu or to be a world champion, he is who you want in your corner!
As looking back when I started my martial arts journey, 1998 with Jiu-Jitsu as my main foundation. I reflect back at my Jiu-Jitsu game and realized that my game had a lot of holes in it and needed to be revamped. My prior learning of Jiu-Jitsu was a complete joke. It was as if I had wasted my time and was told a lie. My experience was like I was in the matrix and had been asleep the whole time. My Jiu-Jitsu at the time was a like a picture of oxygen to a drowning man. Back in 2015 I was fortunate enough to attend a "Clean" seminar and it was life changing for me. From that day forward I would never look at Jiu-Jitsu the same way again. Master Clean introduced new concepts and techniques that completely changed my Jiu-Jitsu and my life. I now approach things with samurai mentality. After attending training my samurai spirit is renewed , focused, and dedicated to becoming a complete martial artist and champion.
Since I started training in 2001, I had drilled my positions and did the techniques. Only after meeting Dustin Denes did he change my game forever. His style of Jiu-Jitsu was instantly implemented in with my own game. Almost like I had been doing it wrong from the beginning. I take any chance I get to train with Dustin!
Michael Fowler, Black Belt, North Shore Jiu-Jitsu Club
In my opinion Dustin "Clean" Denes ranks as one of the top American pioneers in the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that you may not have heard of yet. Dustin began his career in the 90s and left to Brazil with little more than will, and if you have seen his competition footage from the era you realize that had that rare combination of both ferocity and technical ability on the mat which makes him fun to study even now. Today as a coach I can honestly say Dustin is unique, and brings the same passion which made him a great competitor into being a great coach and speaker.
I have held Martial Arts Seminars where the instructor goes from technique to technique without care to the order of material and if the participants are actually gaining knowledge. Not Dustin. He grabs each and every participants attention with a mix of authority and charm, delves DEEP into his subject matter and inspires a profound understanding from each of the seminar participants.
As someone else said, "you don't attend a "Clean" seminar, you survive one." Possibly, but I'd like to add that one week after a seminar I had a student use the exact same set-up and technique that Denes had so thoroughly dissected with him to win gold in a major tournament. Dustin Denes is the real deal!
Alan "Gumby" Marques, Co-founder Onthemat.com, Owner of Heroes Martial Arts
I started training with Dustin "Clean Denes about 5 years ago. I had previously been introduced to Clean in Brazil in 2001 so when he reached out to me I jumped at the chance to train with an old school legend. That was the start of a huge change in my game and philosophy of Jiu-Jitsu. Things I thought I knew I was quickly shown the gaps and holes I had. Clean's approach and passionate teaching style opened my eyes to new ways to do old things. His Master-lock system is by far one of the greatest lessons he taught me and something I still continually work on. I highly encourage everyone that gets the opportunity to make the investment in their game.
Jonathan Stutzman, Black Belt 4TH degree SAS Team
The Dustin Denes experience is as unique as it gets. I've been a multi-sport athlete for as long as I can remember and Dustin's style of coaching is by far one of my favorites. Many can teach and many can motivate but few do it like Dustin. The training is grueling and the demand is high but the results are unparalleled. By the end of the seminar, you will have a complete understanding of the topic and have drilled it to a point of proficiency. Details, details, details, reps, reps, reps, repeat, repeat, repeat. If results are what you are after, Dustin Denes is where you will find them. Dustin has a special way of pushing you to the max, and then pushing you a little further. When you think your tank is empty or you've got it down, he'll take you even further than you thought you could go. He truly motivates everyone in there and it has a lasting effect on the entire room. Personally, he cares about the results, the training will not end until every student has got it and understands it.
Sam Brown, Bonners Ferry BJJ, Sylvio Behring Association USA
I've trained with CLEAN many times over the years and the progress I've made is nothing short of extraordinary. His old school training style is incredibly effective, it's demanding and requires discipline but it's also very rewarding. He is very knowledgeable and highly skilled with BJJ / MMA. He is always willing to share his experience and expertise any chance he gets.
What sets CLEAN apart from others is his focus, dedication, and determination. He is always pushing us to work harder, to be more precise and to be the best we can be. Whether it's in a class or a private session, he is always fully engaged and always willing to help.
His constant learning attitude is also very inspiring. He is always looking for ways to improve his teaching methods and to stay up to date with the latest developments in the martial arts. This has helped me to become a better martial artist, not only in terms of physical skills but also in terms of mindset and attitude.
I highly recommend CLEAN to anyone looking to improve their skills in martial arts and life. Whether you are a beginner or experienced martial artist you will find that training with CLEAN will help you to reach your full potential.
I'd highly recommend Dustin Denes to anyone looking to take their skillset to the next level. I have had the pleasure of training with him in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and working with him side-by-side as an instructor. More than just Jiu-Jitsu, Mr. Denes presented me a completely different way of approaching challenges and taught me that any obstacle can be overcome by focusing with a "Champion's Mindset." His high level of energy and attention to detail helped me improve in the areas I needed the most. I overall enjoyed working with Mr. Denes... he helped me lay a foundation of work ethic and motivation and am pleased with the results, which continue with me today.
Josh Jones, Judo Black Belt, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Brown Belt
Having trained all over the world with 1000's of different people, Grappling World Champs, UFC Champs, NCCA Wrestling Champs, and Judo Champs, I can say Dustin is on my short list. He has a unique approach to the grappling arts, his discipline has few equals. He is a High level thinker and technician, just one look at any of his fights and you will see what I mean.. If given a chance by all means You should take the time to train with him and learn from "Master Clean". you will be glad you did.
Chris Romanator, Black Belt, BJJ Competitor, Judo, Submission Grappling, Sambo with over 10,000 mat hours
Dustin Denes helped shape the Martial Artist & man I would become later in life. He was the first guy to go out of his way to make sure I progressed. He called me at home. Scheduled sessions for non training times to refine my skills. He reminded me "The enemy is training Stark!" I had to keep working to stay ahead of the curve. He taught me about nutrition and the wonders of healthy eating. One of the most important lessons he taught me was about pressure. Not just pressure in passing the guard, but pressure in life. Being under pressure, applying pressure, reacting to pressure, dealing with pressure, breaking someone under pressure and using all those aspects of it to make me stronger not just physically & mentally but strong in my character & conviction. Unwavering, stubborn and proud in my art in my lineage and most importantly in myself & those I keep around me. I love this man for all he has given me and more. I'm proud to call him one of my professors & friends. I hope to one day be able to do for some young man/woman the same things he did for me.
Ben Stark, Head Coach - American Top Team Palm Beach Gardens
Training with Dustin "Clean" Denes will bring your game to another level. The level of intensity, focus and technical expertise has been like no other that I have experienced in my martial arts training spanning over 30 years. Drilling, repetition, hard work, and champion mindset are put together in a creative format. Clean has a keen eye for detail and gives each student the attention needed to fully understand what they are doing and the why behind each move. I highly recommend training with Clean at any opportunity you may have. Your Jiu-Jitsu and life success skills WILL improve.
Michael LaBelle, Entrepreneur
Dustin Denes is a master of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. His version of the art is what sets him apart, that being his ability to impart his philosophies, the mental side of competing, the need to develop the uncommon ability to embrace the grind required to win. All these things and more set him apart.
The first time I met him was at a seminar. He came to the Jiu-Jitsu gym I train at and I was a beginner, a white-belt. His legendary status as a jiu-jitsu man had preceded his arrival, so I was a bit nervous but anxious to meet him, I introduced myself as we shook hands, but I saw and felt his intensity. He moved around the room and then walked toward the dressing room to change. As he passed by me, he said "Rocky, say a prayer"! I though to myself, "This guy is going to kill me". Hahaha!
As soon as he began instructing technique I was sold and didn't want to stop. He pushed the intensity and taught us the importance of not just drilling a technique but how to do so with intensity. Master Denes' dedication to the art is unquestionable, as is his dedication to each student that accepts the challenge to embrace the grind.
Rocky Fails, Master Division World Champion
I have followed Mr. Dustin Denes on line for a couple of years now and had a great opportunity to train with him in San Diego a short while back. It was epic in every sense of the word. He welcomed me and a training partner of mine and was very approachable. Dustin was very intent on showing technique and expected intensity. In just two short hours, he improved our game ten fold. He was professional, personal, and above all made many suggestions that ultimately ended in results. He had a very particular talent for breaking down details in a way that made sense as to enhance learning both fundamental and advanced moves and how they work. He was there 100% for us and made that very clear many times through-out the training. Dustin's personality is that of quality, intensity, technique, mindset and even humor, all mixed into one! He has stayed in contact to make sure our training is going well which proves he is there for us and truly lives this BJJ lifestyle; wanting to spread what he knows and give back to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. We were lucky to have met him, trained and improve our skill-set. A stand up instructor with an obvious knack for the betterment of those around him. Thanks again Dustin!
Skip Baskette, San Diego Fight Club
Link here for seminar report
Seymour Yang, Illustrator , Artist, Writer, and Photographer
Link here for seminar report
Corey Brown, Instructor/Competitor/Champion, Black Tie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
I've been in Martial Arts since I was 6 years old. In that time, and through Goju Ryu-Karate, Muay Thai, MMA, BJJ, Boxing and College Wrestling, I've only come across a few true Masters. Dustin Denes is a true Master of Martial Arts. I really love his methodical teaching, breaking down Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to its core. I am a logically thinking lawyer and have always been a bit frustrated at the general one technique then roll for fun BJJ class. Prof. Denes does not do that at all. He wants you to perform at your best and brings a refreshing approach to teaching BJJ that is similarly prevalent and expected in high level music and dance performance but seems to be missing in MMA, BJJ or otherwise. He will not allow you to just go through the motions but insists that you participate at a high level in your own development. I am 50 years old now so this path has not been easy but it has been an unrivaled life experience. Dustin Denes has been a big part in helping me push myself mentally and physically beyond where I believed I could go.
JON ZAHABY ESQ., Black Belt Goju Ryu Okinawan Karate, Former Muay Thai Fighter and College Wrestler, Brown Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Student of Prof. Denes
I am, by all accounts, a novice practitioner and ardent fan. of BJJ. When given the opportunity to train with Clean for 10 days, I thought I had hit the lotto, but quickly found out that my 'big check' was days and hours of suffering away!! That dude pushed me to indescribable levels of discomfort that still haunt me and echo in my mind -his constant demand of "perfection" borderlines PURE INSANITY and I loved every second of it. Whenever I meet anyone that has trained with him, they instantly have a 'Clean story' to share -Dustin is a definite bucket list for any BJJ fan!! CHOP
One of the best things that ever happened to our dojo was meeting Dustin Denes. His passion and love for JIU-JITSU is inspiring. I knew his coaches were legends and I knew he had competed against the best in the world. So having him teach at our school was a great opportunity. I can say he has a coaching style like no one else. Our students love Dustin's seminars and we try to have him at least twice a year. Even during COVID-19 Dustin bought a membership from our academy. He gave back when times were dark and I can't thank him enough.
Chris Jones, Durango Martial Arts
There are Black Belts, then there's "CLEAN"!!! He brings not only years of PRESSURE tested techniques with hours of mat time along with a solid foundation of basics like I have never seen before!
After one seminar with Clean, I realized that were levels to Black belts and I had to learn everything I could from him. I have been able to attend 4 seminars and a 3-day camp that not only improved my Jiu-Jitsu but made me mentally tougher. Clean has a way of getting the absolute best out of you even when you're dead tired.
It's very simple, if you put in the work, Clean will make you a force like no other in Jiu-Jitsu and life. You will hear his voice days after the seminar like a nightmare don't won't stop. And when you find yourself in those positions you've repped for hours, you'll laugh and say, "Jiu-Jitsu your feet".
Larry L. Long II, FL Deputy Sheriff, Black belt under Shane Weinischke
Words can't do justice in accurately describing Dustin "Clean"Denes. Just like he taught me and my daughter I'm gonna try anyway. The man is the Vince Lombardi of BJJ, and life in general. He is passion defined, intensity like his cannot be faked, it's consistent and intoxicating. He changed the man I thought I was for the better and always pushed me far beyond what I thought I was mentally and physically capable of. Clean takes personal interest in every student, the new white belt gets the same passion and intensity as the pro fighter. He's the only guy I'll ever train under, anyone else feels like compromise and I'll never take for granted the things he's done for me or my soon to be dentist daughter. I firmly believe she is the grinder in life that she is today because of having been taught BJJ with Clean at age 7. I often say, "Nobody judges me except God, Mom and Clean." Super proud to be part of the Chop.
Rob Colbert
I don’t have time to waste so when I need a sure-fire solution to my MMA, grappling or BJJ questions I don’t spend my time searching through the internet, rummaging through youtube or calling my friends to ask their opinions about the best set of actions or options per the existing problem which I am having. I go to the people in my personal circle who have THE answers. One of those people is Dustin “Clean” Denes. As a matter of fact I am now one of Clean’s students and I practice and do what he says until he gives me the next set of instructions. He is THE MAN when it comes instruction and teaching. Quite honestly, I really didn’t want to write this testimonial when Clean asked me for it because he’s been one of the best kept secrets that I’ve had for the backend development of my Jiu-Jitsu game. I wish I could keep him all to myself, but now is the time for the world to be introduced to one of the greatest instructors of all time. So, although it hurts me to do this….I’m doing it. In the spirit of the Chop.
Next couple testimonials re: Dustin Denes via The Missourian Link here
"He's the most intense person I've ever met in my entire life."
He'll beat you down. You learn from experience in the cage. He does a good job of showing you what can go wrong in a fight. He'll do it by example and once you're in that position, you'll know you don't want to be in it.
Brandon "Pulga" Domingo
He'll take you to the point of exhaustion and then a little more to make you know what you really have inside.
Zach Lenon, Black Belt/Owner/Head instructor, Cavalo BJJ
I first met Dustin Denes or "CLEAN", as he's affectionately known to the world as, on January 10th, 2014. That day would turn out to be one that I would never forget. The Dustin Denes experience came highly recommended by two Brazilian JiuJitsu black belt friends of mine that I highly respect. So, I decided to invite him out to our academy in Kona on the Big island of Hawaii and in his prophetic words "Kona will never be the same" and he was right. His passion and intensity for not JiuJitsu, but life it self is very apparent when you first meet him. The way his energy just radiates out of him is very powerful. In Hawaii we call that "Mana". "Mana" can be known as a high spiritual power or having a strong sense of presence. His no non sense, no excuses approach to things on and off the mat is infectious. Just being around him causes you to level up in everything you choose to do.
His "take no prisoners" attitude on the mat is absolute GOLD! His "sharpen your techniques and shove it down people's throat" mentality is GOLD! His motivational talks and classic one liners are absolute GOLD! His book recommendations are absolute GOLD! His go to sleep at midnight and get up at 2am to drink tea and game plan, is rough, but absolute GOLD! His "I thought you wanted to be a Champion?? You're going to die on the beach" is absolute GOLD! His Heart absolute GOLD! His chosen way of training is extreme to mostly everyone he meets. His way of life is too hard for a lot of people to digest and it isn't for the faint of heart but its very effective if you don't be a pussy and accept it. His style is raw and grinding but it works, no frills!! I go on and on day and night about CLEAN but until you experience it yourself, you'll never really know the true value. In his words a couple GOLD nuggets "get on the bus or get off", "GOLD counts" and "do you need it or do you want it? There's a huge difference."
He's been a training partner, a teacher, a mentor, a friend and now a brother that I consider part of my Family, or known in Hawaii as 'Ohana. I will always be a proud member of Team CLEAN FOR LIFE!!
If you ever get the chance to learn, train and spend time on the mats with Clean do it! Truly one of the most inspirational grapplers you will ever encounter. Clean has been someone who has been firing me up for years! There was a 2 week training period where I spent every day training with Clean in south Florida. One day in the middle of the night he wakes me up and tells me "it's time to power up." We then proceeded to the ocean where we go chest high into the water and then Clean turns and tells me "Jonathan there are sharks all around us but we must not be afraid, we must be strong! Look up into the moon and ROAR!" Truly an experience that has helped me become the fighter I am today. JIU-JITSU CHOP
See below // video testimonial
I've met Dustin first time with Rodrigo Minotauro Nogueira. It was back on the 90s. Dustin was a young kid and right away I could see his perseverance and will to learn JJ. For sure he was the first foreigner I saw that could really understand the concept of BJJ as a martial art. His biggest asset an an athlete, was not just the speed that he learned the technics, nor his respect to his training partners... His biggest quality was shown when he started to develop his own technics. It is a pleasure to see how far he went as an athlete.
I am Gaku Inano, a 3rd degree Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Dustin Denes and three times JBJJF (IBJJF Japan Federation) Black Belt Master Featherweight Champion.
I met Dustin Denes around 1997 in Silveira Brothers Miami Team. When I joined the team, I was a white belt and Dustin was a blue belt. In 1999, I returned to Japan as I graduated University of Miami, and two years later, I came to know that he moved to Brazil and became Brazilian Champion. He also started his professional MMA career and visited Japan for Shooto events and achieved the 1st ranker in Japanese Shooto organization.
In 2009 and 2013, Dustin held several Jiu-Jitsu seminars in Tokyo. He is a great Jiu-Jitsu instructor but also a great motivator who teaches discipline and champion mindset. I hit a brick wall in my 30's and early 40's with my Jiu-Jitsu career. But Dustin always told me to stay positive and keep training. As a result, I became one of the best Master BJJ competitors in Japan in late 40's.
His "lead by example" type of leadership style influenced me a lot and I am actually becoming successful in my business as well. I definitely recommend his training and seminars.
Growing up on the mat has been a game-changer for me. Having the art of Jiu-Jitsu in my life as a young female has helped me in more ways that I could imagine. I met Dustin Denes when I was seven. Fast-forward fourteen years and I am now in my third year of college with a skill that will stay with me for a lifetime because of Dustin Denes. The repetition and consistency in his way of teaching is the reason why I push so hard in life. He has so much passion for what he does and he shows up for people who show up for him. No matter who you are, he will push you past your limits and then more. After years of growing up with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I can honestly say that learning under Dustin "Clean" Denes has had a great impact on who I am today.
Alyson Colbert
If you are looking for a place to grow in every aspect of your life, Dustin Denes' training is the answer. My experience training there was humbling, gratifying and kept me in shape. Not only my mind but my body. There are only possibilities, you push yourself and when you can't anymore there is someone there rooting for you. I never felt like I wasn't good enough to be there. Master Clean made sure I was present and pushed me to become better. It's not easy but it's worth every minute of sweat and tears. It's fun, exhilarating, challenging and like I said, humbling.
My first class as a 22 year old woman, a 14 year old girl really whooped me. Never thought I would see the day someone almost half my size would get me so good. This not only motivated me to keep showing up, it made me realize how skills and consistency could beat someone bigger and stronger. I felt confident that one day I would improve and over the years I did.
The first time I put someone to sleep, was with a triangle choke and on a large man. He was out cold, and I realized I loved this sport. I love how everyone in the dojo was there to improve themselves. Imagine being around people who are in a good mood and constantly becoming better. That kind of positive energy is contagious. You will become a better version of yourself. No bullshit. ONLY respect.
Everyone should train Jiu-Jitsu. Training with Dustin Denes was not only a privilege but a part of my life I can look back at as one of the best decisions I've ever made. Building confidence, relationships and life long friendships. Take a class, maybe 2 or 3....It grows on you I promise.
Paige Bex
Developing a championship mindset, one that carries over into life, requires being training by a real champion. Not a talker.
Dustin Denes is an elite world class Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Champion and elite world class BJJ instructor. His style is for those who are willing and able to be pushed and not coddled. But the investment will touch all that you do. Whether at work, in your relationships, or in the normal ups and downs of life, you will hear him saying "Do the hard things first," "gold counts," "good is the enemy of great" etc. This no holds barred, take no prisoners approach to Jiu-Jitsu is a "No excuses" zone always tempered with the deep amount of attention to making every minute count.
When I first started Jiu-Jitsu many years ago, I didn't know what to expect. It was a great martial art and I enjoyed it as a hobby or as something to help me get in shape. That was until one day we had a guest instructor, Dustin "Clean" Denes. Jiu-Jitsu stopped being a hobby that day and became a way of life. Dustin came into the gym and commanded the respect of everyone in the building. He taught a tough class with brutal submissions. The warmup alone was enough to test your spirit. Dustin had us drill his moves over and over until it was second nature. I left that class and decided that I wanted to be a Jiu-Jitsu fighter, not just a weekend warrior. Dustin has been my instructor ever since. He didn't train me to compete, he trained me to win gold medals. He didn't want me to go into any competition out of shape or without the will to withstand any onslaught. Dustin has the ability to submit you and teach you. He didn't just drag me around the mats and put me in vicious locks for his own benefit. He broke it down in clear detail. He showed me where I failed, and where I succeeded. Dustin never gave up on his students. I know that firsthand. Dustin created game plans for me on the white board focusing on my strengths, and killing my weaknesses. I always knew where I stood with Dustin, and I was always prepared to fight. Dustin uses razor sharp techniques and submissions so there is no doubt that when you or any other of his students compete, or even just train, they will be ready for anything.
I'm a retired Marine with 2 combat tours, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. My whole career was in combat arms: infantry and special operations (Reconnaissance Marine). I've always pursued and lived the Spartan life; and am always in search of the next challenge.
I've never forgotten a technique I've learned from Dustin Denes. He expects excellence, he goes hard and he expects intensity in his clinics. It reminds me of my wrestling days. We drill with intensity and excellence. Dustin doesn't hold back. He gives one hundred percent when he coaches and the techniques are high level basics...always. Dustin always says, "Jiu-Jitsu is for the few, not the many!" He brings his mentality to his clinics and to his teaching. The techniques aren't party trick Jiu Jitsu. His techniques are high ratio of success moves. Coupled with the intensity he instills in his students, the techniques have proven success in crushing competitors at every level. Our club has been more successful because of Dustin.
My life has also been more successful because of Dustin's influence. If you want to pursue excellence, and are serious about improving every aspect of your life, train with Dustin. His instruction is top notch.
As a devoted father to a dedicated Son's martial arts training, my vantage is from a Parent's perspective. I had wrestled and was fortunate to spend a month at Iowa Intensive Camp when I was 16 (my Son's current age). During that month I trained under J. Robinson and many NCAA & Olympic champs. I still recall the silent awe when Dan Gable walked into the wrestling room. It taught me sacrifice and discipline on a level far beyond anything I had ever experienced. Fast forward. Since that experience I've always known that to excel at the highest level we must surround ourselves with similar mindsets.
We met Professor Clean in 2015 during a seminar at my Son's school (JGMMA in Cincinnati). It's often said people don't meet by accident. We had been to many seminars but this one was by far the most impactful. BJJ knowledge and delivery method on a world-class level. Intense and regimented. No nonsense. No wasted time. All focus on quality and detail. Equal attention allotted to everyone regardless of age or rank. Positive energy! We haven't missed a "Clean" seminar since! Yep. They're intense, but the results have been phenomenal.
Joel Singer
I met Professor Denes during a seminar in 2015. I was eleven at the time, and I still remember the words he told me before we stepped on the mat, he said 'don't be nervous.' Years later, I still believe this quote encapsulates his attitude towards not only Jiu-Jitsu, but life. The training is incredibly intense, the most intense sessions I've ever experienced across twelve years of martial arts, but his infectious attitude has helped me push through and become both a better martial artist and a stronger person. Being fortunate enough to train under him for these past seven years has elevated my mindset and strengthened my resolve beyond what they would have ever reached otherwise.
Ethan Singer
I've got over 33 years of martial arts experience, a decent international trophy cabinet but only 3 years of BJJ experience - BJJ has like the 'second life' of my martial arts journey. With a good pedigree of experience under my belt it is fairly easy to work out who are the world-class teachers and practitioners. Dustin stands out as a man amongst men. He delivers in every way... he puts you at the center of his teaching, he notices where your game will benefit the most, he focuses on delivering to you a unique experience that raises your mental and physical ability to another level. For me, that's why I'm happy to travel 4000 miles for that experience.
Dustin is a trailblazer for American Jiu-Jitsu, a mentor and motivator to all. As I was a young white belt I read an article of Dustin living in Brazil, training multiple times per day and crushing the tournament scene in the late 90s. This motivated me to follow suit. Dustin has a passion and knowledge of a true master.
I like to win. Whether on the mat, in the ring, or in the courtroom, I really like to win. And when I win, I know it wasn't by accident. I win because I have a winner's mindset. I win because I thought not one, not two, but three steps ahead of the other guy. And I truly believe the reason I can do these things, the reason I win, is because I have been trained -physically as a Jiu-Jitsu fighter, but also mentally- by Professor Dustin Clean Denes. While Dustin's fighting skills and techniques are extraordinary, it is his mental strength and outlook that have had the most profound impact on me. I have known Dustin for over 15 years now. He is a uniquely talented fighter and gifted teacher. I am proud to be his student.
Paul Geller a/k/a Super, BJJ Black Belt, Litigator, Robbins Geller Rudman & Down, LLP
Dustin Denes teaches the best BJJ seminars I've been to in my 19+ years of training. His focus, energy, humor, and eye for detail make him a great teacher, but what sets Dustin's seminars apart is the intensity. Dustin's seminars feel like old school wrestling clinics- he shows you how to perform fundamental techniques perfectly against skilled opponents, nothing fancy, then makes you drill until you can do it perfectly too. I always walk away feeling sore, but that my Jiu-Jitsu has genuinely improved. Dustin has helped me develop as a black belt immensely and reminded me to dig deeper and seek mastery over the Jiu-Jitsu basics I learned back when I first started training.
Matt Young, Black Belt Durango Martial Arts
Dustin Denes is quite proficient in handling and maintaining of all families of venomous reptiles.
Rian Gittman, Owner of Underground Reptiles and The UG Grappling Club
Dustin "Clean" Denes no nonsense approach to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a sure fire way to creating champions, not just on the mat but in life. When Dustin Denes steps on the mat his presence is known and felt, when you learn something from Clean you will never forget it.
Dustin Denes knows what it is like to achieve greatness he believes in not stoppin at nothing to achieving your goals, and having someone like that around is a game changer. Dustin Denes has an eye for detail when it comes to Jiu-Jitsu, he will take what you are already doing and improve upon it, this eye for detail comes from world class experience. The mindset that Clean brings to the mat is next level, he shows you that you are much more capable that what you think you are.
Daniel McGuire, Black belt
Professor Clean is intense, and it's obvious that he enjoys teaching and sharing his vast knowledge of Jiu-Jitsu. He watches every student carefully. He sees every invisible detail that can be tweaked to improve your submissions and he does not hesitate to correct you. After attending a few of his seminars, there was no question that I left each time having gained skills that could be executed reflexively -- even in my sleep. This is not an instructor for everyone; only those who value hardwork and focus.
Caroline King
As a military veteran, I'm drawn to activities and disciplines that are structured. Discipline is key. I've trained with quite a few instructors and masters within the BJJ community. Master Dustin Denes is one of the most disciplined and structured masters out there. He is the definition of what a legend is and it's an honor to call him a friend as well as instructor. He helped me improve upon my BJJ game and he also encouraged me to cross train between different styles that are functional and best for me according to my style of grappling. For those that have not had the honor of training with him, you're missing out. He will not baby you and respect is the word. For anyone who wants to learn or improve your grappling game, I highly recommend you seek out the Chop Master.
Devin Moultrie, Military veteran, Black Belt Moncaio Brothers
Training with Dustin "Clean" Denes is tough and grueling but he is very precise on the teaching of moves and the constant drilling of those moves that become instilled in your head. His method of training is excellent. Clean not only has an interest to better each of his students in the art of Jiu Jitsu but also has an interest in their well being.
Eric Porschen
Training in Jiu-Jitsu under Master Dustin Denes is a life changer and beyond inspirational! His influence on the mat, and in life's mission is contagious. For me he has instilled strategies that lead to success over and over again. Choosing to train under his guidance has opened up the gates to achieving unlimited growth, and more than any other single source created a personal pathway to success.
I'll never forget the day when the lingo and phrases we associate with our Jiu-Jitsu became a reality within a whirlwind of opportunities, big opportunities! All coincided on the same day September 17th. I asked myself "how can they all three fall on the exact same day?" On that day I had three choices to pick from; one was to be in Los Angeles Hollywood, Red carpet to stand beside actor Laurence Fishburne. I would no doubt boost my status as a performer in the movie industry. The second was that I was given a rather large speaking audition from my agent to go to, again pretty significant opportunity that might pay off if I was chosen for the role in a movie. Finally on that day was the fact that Master Dustin Denes was having our seminar in Colorado.
Mesmerized I contemplated a word that Master Clean had drilled into all of us from the beginning ... SACRIFICE!!! make your sacrifices to get ahead and stay ahead. I decided to sacrifice those two other significant opportunities in order to dedicate myself 100%; To make Jiu-Jitsu the most important thing on that day; my instincts led me to that decision, and it was the right one. On that day I name "A day of great sacrifice" September 17th. I became a Master Clean Purple belt."
Mike Kirby, Mountain Lion Jiu-Jitsu NM, "CLEAN" Brown Belt
I have been to many Dustin "Clean" Denes seminars and he teaches some of the best seminars ever! He is one of the most intense people I have ever met but he cares about making sure you learn what he is teaching. He spends one on one time with the students and makes sure that you are "jiu jitsuing" your feet to make a position tighter. I have so much respect for Clean and not just because he choked one of my Professors completely out showing a triangle. Haha! I recommend everyone go to his seminars. He is a beast and will make your jiu jitsu so much better!
Tiffany Wright, Black Belt, JGMMA
I've attended two of Dustin's seminars with my dad. To say that Dustin is passionate about what he does is a significant understatement! He walks you through progressions that seem so simple at first, but as he breaks it down and you drill it over and over, your technique will become drastically fine-tuned. You will leave each seminar exhausted, but with much more knowledge of getting the progressions just right! Dustin happily takes the time to aid in questions afterwards. He genuinely cares about those who take his seminars! I have very much enjoyed both seminar I attended!
Celeste K.
We have a pretty large competition BJJ team at Fit Plus and we were looking for a bit of outside help. I had heard of Dustin through the BJJ grapevine and thought he would be a good fit. I was wrong. He was a GREAT FIT!!! Dustin brought a new level of intensity to the team and we couldn't have been happier. He was a great motivator and blended old school BJJ with cutting edge methods. The reviews of his custom tailored seminar for us came back all positive and we can't wait for the next opportunity to work with "Clean."
Scott MacLean, Head Coach, Fit Plus Martial Arts
I first heard of Dustin Denes from one of my coaches. My coach sent me one of Dustin's YouTube videos and after watching it, I was hooked. I then began to watch all of his videos on YouTube. Watching his videos would always light a fire under me. I was actively competing at the time as a purple belt, and I was having hit or miss performances at tournaments. Finding Clean helped me focus on having a champion mindset, and not just showing up to tournaments to compete, but showing up to win, because "Gold counts". Since then I've won almost every tournament and division I've entered, and never not made the podium. Shortly after discovering Dustin I was lucky enough to attend a seminar of his in San Diego and I was truly impressed with his talent for teaching. His focus was on what our game needed and how he could help improve it, rather than just showing us a random move or sequence like many other seminars end up being. What I learned from him that day I still use in my game every time I roll. Whenever I train for a tournament, and before I compete I always watch Dustin's videos to give me that extra gas for the fire before going to battle. "Success through hard work, Jiu-Jitsu Chop!"
Nick Oliver, Adult division Black Belt competitor supreme
I met professor Clean back in 2006. I was new at Jiu-Jitsu and couldn't have gotten any luckier in meeting him. His passion for the art was abundantly clear and he was getting me up to speed really quickly. With immense attention to detail and battle proven techniques. I've had the honor and privilege of being his student from white belt all the way to black belt. And he instills in his students a champion mentality that doesn't just stop on the mats, it carries over into the rest of life as well. Whether the goal is to just be proficient in Jiu-Jitsu or to be a world champion, he is who you want in your corner!
As looking back when I started my martial arts journey, 1998 with Jiu-Jitsu as my main foundation. I reflect back at my Jiu-Jitsu game and realized that my game had a lot of holes in it and needed to be revamped. My prior learning of Jiu-Jitsu was a complete joke. It was as if I had wasted my time and was told a lie. My experience was like I was in the matrix and had been asleep the whole time. My Jiu-Jitsu at the time was a like a picture of oxygen to a drowning man. Back in 2015 I was fortunate enough to attend a "Clean" seminar and it was life changing for me. From that day forward I would never look at Jiu-Jitsu the same way again. Master Clean introduced new concepts and techniques that completely changed my Jiu-Jitsu and my life. I now approach things with samurai mentality. After attending training my samurai spirit is renewed , focused, and dedicated to becoming a complete martial artist and champion.
Since I started training in 2001, I had drilled my positions and did the techniques. Only after meeting Dustin Denes did he change my game forever. His style of Jiu-Jitsu was instantly implemented in with my own game. Almost like I had been doing it wrong from the beginning. I take any chance I get to train with Dustin!
Michael Fowler, Black Belt, North Shore Jiu-Jitsu Club
In my opinion Dustin "Clean" Denes ranks as one of the top American pioneers in the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that you may not have heard of yet. Dustin began his career in the 90s and left to Brazil with little more than will, and if you have seen his competition footage from the era you realize that had that rare combination of both ferocity and technical ability on the mat which makes him fun to study even now. Today as a coach I can honestly say Dustin is unique, and brings the same passion which made him a great competitor into being a great coach and speaker.
I have held Martial Arts Seminars where the instructor goes from technique to technique without care to the order of material and if the participants are actually gaining knowledge. Not Dustin. He grabs each and every participants attention with a mix of authority and charm, delves DEEP into his subject matter and inspires a profound understanding from each of the seminar participants.
As someone else said, "you don't attend a "Clean" seminar, you survive one." Possibly, but I'd like to add that one week after a seminar I had a student use the exact same set-up and technique that Denes had so thoroughly dissected with him to win gold in a major tournament. Dustin Denes is the real deal!
Alan "Gumby" Marques, Co-founder Onthemat.com, Owner of Heroes Martial Arts
I started training with Dustin "Clean Denes about 5 years ago. I had previously been introduced to Clean in Brazil in 2001 so when he reached out to me I jumped at the chance to train with an old school legend. That was the start of a huge change in my game and philosophy of Jiu-Jitsu. Things I thought I knew I was quickly shown the gaps and holes I had. Clean's approach and passionate teaching style opened my eyes to new ways to do old things. His Master-lock system is by far one of the greatest lessons he taught me and something I still continually work on. I highly encourage everyone that gets the opportunity to make the investment in their game.
Jonathan Stutzman, Black Belt 4TH degree SAS Team
The Dustin Denes experience is as unique as it gets. I've been a multi-sport athlete for as long as I can remember and Dustin's style of coaching is by far one of my favorites. Many can teach and many can motivate but few do it like Dustin. The training is grueling and the demand is high but the results are unparalleled. By the end of the seminar, you will have a complete understanding of the topic and have drilled it to a point of proficiency. Details, details, details, reps, reps, reps, repeat, repeat, repeat. If results are what you are after, Dustin Denes is where you will find them. Dustin has a special way of pushing you to the max, and then pushing you a little further. When you think your tank is empty or you've got it down, he'll take you even further than you thought you could go. He truly motivates everyone in there and it has a lasting effect on the entire room. Personally, he cares about the results, the training will not end until every student has got it and understands it.
Sam Brown, Bonners Ferry BJJ, Sylvio Behring Association USA
I've trained with CLEAN many times over the years and the progress I've made is nothing short of extraordinary. His old school training style is incredibly effective, it's demanding and requires discipline but it's also very rewarding. He is very knowledgeable and highly skilled with BJJ / MMA. He is always willing to share his experience and expertise any chance he gets.
What sets CLEAN apart from others is his focus, dedication, and determination. He is always pushing us to work harder, to be more precise and to be the best we can be. Whether it's in a class or a private session, he is always fully engaged and always willing to help.
His constant learning attitude is also very inspiring. He is always looking for ways to improve his teaching methods and to stay up to date with the latest developments in the martial arts. This has helped me to become a better martial artist, not only in terms of physical skills but also in terms of mindset and attitude.
I highly recommend CLEAN to anyone looking to improve their skills in martial arts and life. Whether you are a beginner or experienced martial artist you will find that training with CLEAN will help you to reach your full potential.
I'd highly recommend Dustin Denes to anyone looking to take their skillset to the next level. I have had the pleasure of training with him in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and working with him side-by-side as an instructor. More than just Jiu-Jitsu, Mr. Denes presented me a completely different way of approaching challenges and taught me that any obstacle can be overcome by focusing with a "Champion's Mindset." His high level of energy and attention to detail helped me improve in the areas I needed the most. I overall enjoyed working with Mr. Denes... he helped me lay a foundation of work ethic and motivation and am pleased with the results, which continue with me today.
Josh Jones, Judo Black Belt, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Brown Belt
Having trained all over the world with 1000's of different people, Grappling World Champs, UFC Champs, NCCA Wrestling Champs, and Judo Champs, I can say Dustin is on my short list. He has a unique approach to the grappling arts, his discipline has few equals. He is a High level thinker and technician, just one look at any of his fights and you will see what I mean.. If given a chance by all means You should take the time to train with him and learn from "Master Clean". you will be glad you did.
Chris Romanator, Black Belt, BJJ Competitor, Judo, Submission Grappling, Sambo with over 10,000 mat hours
Dustin Denes helped shape the Martial Artist & man I would become later in life. He was the first guy to go out of his way to make sure I progressed. He called me at home. Scheduled sessions for non training times to refine my skills. He reminded me "The enemy is training Stark!" I had to keep working to stay ahead of the curve. He taught me about nutrition and the wonders of healthy eating. One of the most important lessons he taught me was about pressure. Not just pressure in passing the guard, but pressure in life. Being under pressure, applying pressure, reacting to pressure, dealing with pressure, breaking someone under pressure and using all those aspects of it to make me stronger not just physically & mentally but strong in my character & conviction. Unwavering, stubborn and proud in my art in my lineage and most importantly in myself & those I keep around me. I love this man for all he has given me and more. I'm proud to call him one of my professors & friends. I hope to one day be able to do for some young man/woman the same things he did for me.
Ben Stark, Head Coach - American Top Team Palm Beach Gardens
Training with Dustin "Clean" Denes will bring your game to another level. The level of intensity, focus and technical expertise has been like no other that I have experienced in my martial arts training spanning over 30 years. Drilling, repetition, hard work, and champion mindset are put together in a creative format. Clean has a keen eye for detail and gives each student the attention needed to fully understand what they are doing and the why behind each move. I highly recommend training with Clean at any opportunity you may have. Your Jiu-Jitsu and life success skills WILL improve.
Michael LaBelle, Entrepreneur
Dustin Denes is a master of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. His version of the art is what sets him apart, that being his ability to impart his philosophies, the mental side of competing, the need to develop the uncommon ability to embrace the grind required to win. All these things and more set him apart.
The first time I met him was at a seminar. He came to the Jiu-Jitsu gym I train at and I was a beginner, a white-belt. His legendary status as a jiu-jitsu man had preceded his arrival, so I was a bit nervous but anxious to meet him, I introduced myself as we shook hands, but I saw and felt his intensity. He moved around the room and then walked toward the dressing room to change. As he passed by me, he said "Rocky, say a prayer"! I though to myself, "This guy is going to kill me". Hahaha!
As soon as he began instructing technique I was sold and didn't want to stop. He pushed the intensity and taught us the importance of not just drilling a technique but how to do so with intensity. Master Denes' dedication to the art is unquestionable, as is his dedication to each student that accepts the challenge to embrace the grind.
Rocky Fails, Master Division World Champion
I have followed Mr. Dustin Denes on line for a couple of years now and had a great opportunity to train with him in San Diego a short while back. It was epic in every sense of the word. He welcomed me and a training partner of mine and was very approachable. Dustin was very intent on showing technique and expected intensity. In just two short hours, he improved our game ten fold. He was professional, personal, and above all made many suggestions that ultimately ended in results. He had a very particular talent for breaking down details in a way that made sense as to enhance learning both fundamental and advanced moves and how they work. He was there 100% for us and made that very clear many times through-out the training. Dustin's personality is that of quality, intensity, technique, mindset and even humor, all mixed into one! He has stayed in contact to make sure our training is going well which proves he is there for us and truly lives this BJJ lifestyle; wanting to spread what he knows and give back to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. We were lucky to have met him, trained and improve our skill-set. A stand up instructor with an obvious knack for the betterment of those around him. Thanks again Dustin!
Skip Baskette, San Diego Fight Club
Link here for seminar report
Seymour Yang, Illustrator , Artist, Writer, and Photographer
Link here for seminar report
Corey Brown, Instructor/Competitor/Champion, Black Tie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
I've been in Martial Arts since I was 6 years old. In that time, and through Goju Ryu-Karate, Muay Thai, MMA, BJJ, Boxing and College Wrestling, I've only come across a few true Masters. Dustin Denes is a true Master of Martial Arts. I really love his methodical teaching, breaking down Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to its core. I am a logically thinking lawyer and have always been a bit frustrated at the general one technique then roll for fun BJJ class. Prof. Denes does not do that at all. He wants you to perform at your best and brings a refreshing approach to teaching BJJ that is similarly prevalent and expected in high level music and dance performance but seems to be missing in MMA, BJJ or otherwise. He will not allow you to just go through the motions but insists that you participate at a high level in your own development. I am 50 years old now so this path has not been easy but it has been an unrivaled life experience. Dustin Denes has been a big part in helping me push myself mentally and physically beyond where I believed I could go.
JON ZAHABY ESQ., Black Belt Goju Ryu Okinawan Karate, Former Muay Thai Fighter and College Wrestler, Brown Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Student of Prof. Denes
I am, by all accounts, a novice practitioner and ardent fan. of BJJ. When given the opportunity to train with Clean for 10 days, I thought I had hit the lotto, but quickly found out that my 'big check' was days and hours of suffering away!! That dude pushed me to indescribable levels of discomfort that still haunt me and echo in my mind -his constant demand of "perfection" borderlines PURE INSANITY and I loved every second of it. Whenever I meet anyone that has trained with him, they instantly have a 'Clean story' to share -Dustin is a definite bucket list for any BJJ fan!! CHOP
One of the best things that ever happened to our dojo was meeting Dustin Denes. His passion and love for JIU-JITSU is inspiring. I knew his coaches were legends and I knew he had competed against the best in the world. So having him teach at our school was a great opportunity. I can say he has a coaching style like no one else. Our students love Dustin's seminars and we try to have him at least twice a year. Even during COVID-19 Dustin bought a membership from our academy. He gave back when times were dark and I can't thank him enough.
Chris Jones, Durango Martial Arts
There are Black Belts, then there's "CLEAN"!!! He brings not only years of PRESSURE tested techniques with hours of mat time along with a solid foundation of basics like I have never seen before!
After one seminar with Clean, I realized that were levels to Black belts and I had to learn everything I could from him. I have been able to attend 4 seminars and a 3-day camp that not only improved my Jiu-Jitsu but made me mentally tougher. Clean has a way of getting the absolute best out of you even when you're dead tired.
It's very simple, if you put in the work, Clean will make you a force like no other in Jiu-Jitsu and life. You will hear his voice days after the seminar like a nightmare don't won't stop. And when you find yourself in those positions you've repped for hours, you'll laugh and say, "Jiu-Jitsu your feet".
Larry L. Long II, FL Deputy Sheriff, Black belt under Shane Weinischke
Words can't do justice in accurately describing Dustin "Clean"Denes. Just like he taught me and my daughter I'm gonna try anyway. The man is the Vince Lombardi of BJJ, and life in general. He is passion defined, intensity like his cannot be faked, it's consistent and intoxicating. He changed the man I thought I was for the better and always pushed me far beyond what I thought I was mentally and physically capable of. Clean takes personal interest in every student, the new white belt gets the same passion and intensity as the pro fighter. He's the only guy I'll ever train under, anyone else feels like compromise and I'll never take for granted the things he's done for me or my soon to be dentist daughter. I firmly believe she is the grinder in life that she is today because of having been taught BJJ with Clean at age 7. I often say, "Nobody judges me except God, Mom and Clean." Super proud to be part of the Chop.
Rob Colbert
I don’t have time to waste so when I need a sure-fire solution to my MMA, grappling or BJJ questions I don’t spend my time searching through the internet, rummaging through youtube or calling my friends to ask their opinions about the best set of actions or options per the existing problem which I am having. I go to the people in my personal circle who have THE answers. One of those people is Dustin “Clean” Denes. As a matter of fact I am now one of Clean’s students and I practice and do what he says until he gives me the next set of instructions. He is THE MAN when it comes instruction and teaching. Quite honestly, I really didn’t want to write this testimonial when Clean asked me for it because he’s been one of the best kept secrets that I’ve had for the backend development of my Jiu-Jitsu game. I wish I could keep him all to myself, but now is the time for the world to be introduced to one of the greatest instructors of all time. So, although it hurts me to do this….I’m doing it. In the spirit of the Chop.
Next couple testimonials re: Dustin Denes via The Missourian Link here
"He's the most intense person I've ever met in my entire life."
He'll beat you down. You learn from experience in the cage. He does a good job of showing you what can go wrong in a fight. He'll do it by example and once you're in that position, you'll know you don't want to be in it.
Brandon "Pulga" Domingo
He'll take you to the point of exhaustion and then a little more to make you know what you really have inside.
Zach Lenon, Black Belt/Owner/Head instructor, Cavalo BJJ
I first met Dustin Denes or "CLEAN", as he's affectionately known to the world as, on January 10th, 2014. That day would turn out to be one that I would never forget. The Dustin Denes experience came highly recommended by two Brazilian JiuJitsu black belt friends of mine that I highly respect. So, I decided to invite him out to our academy in Kona on the Big island of Hawaii and in his prophetic words "Kona will never be the same" and he was right. His passion and intensity for not JiuJitsu, but life it self is very apparent when you first meet him. The way his energy just radiates out of him is very powerful. In Hawaii we call that "Mana". "Mana" can be known as a high spiritual power or having a strong sense of presence. His no non sense, no excuses approach to things on and off the mat is infectious. Just being around him causes you to level up in everything you choose to do.
His "take no prisoners" attitude on the mat is absolute GOLD! His "sharpen your techniques and shove it down people's throat" mentality is GOLD! His motivational talks and classic one liners are absolute GOLD! His book recommendations are absolute GOLD! His go to sleep at midnight and get up at 2am to drink tea and game plan, is rough, but absolute GOLD! His "I thought you wanted to be a Champion?? You're going to die on the beach" is absolute GOLD! His Heart absolute GOLD! His chosen way of training is extreme to mostly everyone he meets. His way of life is too hard for a lot of people to digest and it isn't for the faint of heart but its very effective if you don't be a pussy and accept it. His style is raw and grinding but it works, no frills!! I go on and on day and night about CLEAN but until you experience it yourself, you'll never really know the true value. In his words a couple GOLD nuggets "get on the bus or get off", "GOLD counts" and "do you need it or do you want it? There's a huge difference."
He's been a training partner, a teacher, a mentor, a friend and now a brother that I consider part of my Family, or known in Hawaii as 'Ohana. I will always be a proud member of Team CLEAN FOR LIFE!!
If you ever get the chance to learn, train and spend time on the mats with Clean do it! Truly one of the most inspirational grapplers you will ever encounter. Clean has been someone who has been firing me up for years! There was a 2 week training period where I spent every day training with Clean in south Florida. One day in the middle of the night he wakes me up and tells me "it's time to power up." We then proceeded to the ocean where we go chest high into the water and then Clean turns and tells me "Jonathan there are sharks all around us but we must not be afraid, we must be strong! Look up into the moon and ROAR!" Truly an experience that has helped me become the fighter I am today. JIU-JITSU CHOP
See below // video testimonial