Be original (seja original)
SURFIGHT The original -Proud to represent! Founded in Rio de janeiro in the '90s by Bruno, the owner. He was a student of Murilo Bustamante, so the SURFIGHT brand built momentum with its sponsored fighters in the Club Carlson Gracie and Brazilian Top Team. SURFIGHT was an aggressive style of surfing, and an attacking style of Jiu-Jitsu. Years of winning results fueled the fire. The original brand was all about surfing and fighting, with an emphasis on Jiu-Jitsu fighters who defended the flag of BJJ in real fighting.
em português
SURFIGHT O original - Orgulho de representar! Fundada no Rio de Janeiro na década de 90 por Bruno, o proprietário. Foi aluno de Murilo Bustamante, por isso a marca SURFIGHT ganhou força com seus lutadores patrocinados no Clube Carlson Gracie e no BTT. SURFIGHT é um estilo agressivo de surf e um estilo ofensivo de Jiu-Jitsu. Anos de resultados vencedores alimentaram o fogo. Era sobre surf e luta, com destaque para lutadores de Jiu-Jitsu que defendiam a bandeira do Jiu-Jitsu nas lutas reais.
a foto Dustin Denes dominando @ Liga Niterói
patrocinios SURFIGHT e Espaço 10 R.I.P Alexandre "Bada" love you forever
locale Fonseca
ano 2001
The Niterói league was a tournament where a few of us from BTT would compete often. Stay active.
"Nothing like experience." Dan Gable
patrocinios SURFIGHT e Espaço 10 R.I.P Alexandre "Bada" love you forever
locale Fonseca
ano 2001
The Niterói league was a tournament where a few of us from BTT would compete often. Stay active.
"Nothing like experience." Dan Gable
a foto Arpoador TEAM SURFIGHT
I kneeling at girl's right knee
Abi-Rihan between boards
SURFIGHT crew didn't train together, but we were sort of like a rat pack. At the tournaments, we always wanted to see each other win. Unless at times of face-off, example Abi-Rihan and I had two matches. Both ended decisively in my favor. But let me tell you, Raphael Abi-Rihan is the real deal. I feel very fortunate to have competed against him and other great champions.
I kneeling at girl's right knee
Abi-Rihan between boards
SURFIGHT crew didn't train together, but we were sort of like a rat pack. At the tournaments, we always wanted to see each other win. Unless at times of face-off, example Abi-Rihan and I had two matches. Both ended decisively in my favor. But let me tell you, Raphael Abi-Rihan is the real deal. I feel very fortunate to have competed against him and other great champions.
Below video first match versus Abi-Rihan. My corner Professor Zé Marcello and Adriano Lucio. Zé knew me well, but he spent more time at his own academy in Niterói, with occasional visits to BTT. I did all of my training at Brazilian Top Team. Adriano would visit to train with us a couple times a week, so he knew my game very well. Whether you understand Portuguese or not, you'll def sense the anxiety towards me from Professor Zé. He thought I was rushing things. You'll then hear Adriano emphasizing to him my powers in position. I backed Adriano's confidence, and delivered the skills he knows me for, to finish the fight. It's a quick one. Enjoi!
A luta Dustin Denes versus Raphael Abi-Rihan
os dois patrocinado pelo SURFIGHT
locale Liga Niterói em Fonseca
Peso Absoluto
ano 2001
The above match was my way to welcome Abi-Rihan to the brown belt division. He was a submission machine and had won most everything at purple belt. He showed up to brown belt on fire. But yours truly was there to put him in his place. Next level. Different league. Heavier Hitters. Game is Game. Kill or be killed! But really, what made the difference ?
Practice. More Practice. Discipline. Sacrifice. Determination. I Did The Work! PREPARATION
os dois patrocinado pelo SURFIGHT
locale Liga Niterói em Fonseca
Peso Absoluto
ano 2001
The above match was my way to welcome Abi-Rihan to the brown belt division. He was a submission machine and had won most everything at purple belt. He showed up to brown belt on fire. But yours truly was there to put him in his place. Next level. Different league. Heavier Hitters. Game is Game. Kill or be killed! But really, what made the difference ?
Practice. More Practice. Discipline. Sacrifice. Determination. I Did The Work! PREPARATION
* filmed in nightvision. Finals Copa Gavazza. Abi-Rihan Got Destroyed!! 11-0
a foto negative tide super-shallow. lookout past the rocks to see Kaiser bowls
locale Honolulu HI
locale Honolulu HI
Taken from my notes on the day: March 12. 2018 it was breezy and the waves were small on south shore Oahu. Beautiful thing about the Kaiser bowl is there's always a wave. Just as dangerous on a small day because the wave breaks in the shallow. My surfing was revolutioned on this day, because I showed up to pay dues. Important reminder, show up on Good days and Bad. DO THE WORK
Local Pro Fritz Belmoro and I surfing the Kaiser bowl that day under grey skies. The sets were inconsistent, but the waves came. I remember it being very shallow because of the negative tide. Fritz was giving me tips the entire session, watching closely and correcting my errors. I was in good company.
You are as Good as the people you train with. Train with people who are better than you.
My best wave of the session was one that I'll never forget. It scared the hell outta me! I took-off deep, once up and looking ahead I saw the shallow reef exposed with coral heads and steel bars /shipwreck sticking out of the reef. Gnarly sight! I sharpened my angle and took the right. It was Radical! Bold! Memorable session.
Why is the break called Kaisers? Henry J. Kaiser, the father of modern American shipbuilding. Plenty of iron and shipwreck still below. Minimal room for error. Practice. More Practice. Discipline. Sacrifice. PREPARATION
Thank you brother Fritz for always lookin out!
Local Pro Fritz Belmoro and I surfing the Kaiser bowl that day under grey skies. The sets were inconsistent, but the waves came. I remember it being very shallow because of the negative tide. Fritz was giving me tips the entire session, watching closely and correcting my errors. I was in good company.
You are as Good as the people you train with. Train with people who are better than you.
My best wave of the session was one that I'll never forget. It scared the hell outta me! I took-off deep, once up and looking ahead I saw the shallow reef exposed with coral heads and steel bars /shipwreck sticking out of the reef. Gnarly sight! I sharpened my angle and took the right. It was Radical! Bold! Memorable session.
Why is the break called Kaisers? Henry J. Kaiser, the father of modern American shipbuilding. Plenty of iron and shipwreck still below. Minimal room for error. Practice. More Practice. Discipline. Sacrifice. PREPARATION
Thank you brother Fritz for always lookin out!
JIU-JITSU FIGHTER Sacrifice. Discipline.
JIU-JITSU FIGHTER Sacrifice. Discipline.
a foto Dustin Denes v Akihiro Gono
evento Deep 2001 - 2nd Impact
locale Yokohama JAPAN
data 18 de agosto. 01
evento Deep 2001 - 2nd Impact
locale Yokohama JAPAN
data 18 de agosto. 01
Pro MMA debut in Japan versus a seasoned veteran. Dustin Denes (Brazilian Top Team) v Akihiro Gono (Grabaka). Bottom middle pic you can see the SURFIGHT on the trunks. I got Blasted with a roundhouse kick /shin on the way in for the double-leg takedown. It felt like a heavy baseball bat to the forehead -black line for a week after. I pushed thro and finished the takedown. To this day, I still feel /remember the crashing power of his kick to my head. serious Impact! But he'd need more than that. Great fight! Ended a draw.
Kakutougi Tsushin writer's note "A very good fight for professional fight fans! But Gono.. and audience.. "
The writer of this article thought it was a good fight. But he is not sure if Gono could do what he wanted, and the audience was knowledgeable enough to understand this fight. If you are fortunate, you'll have the opportunity to hear my story behind this fight someday. THE FEAR Conquer it!
Practice. More Practice. Sacrifice. Discipline. Determination.
Goals and Affirmations read em twice daily.
Kakutougi Tsushin writer's note "A very good fight for professional fight fans! But Gono.. and audience.. "
The writer of this article thought it was a good fight. But he is not sure if Gono could do what he wanted, and the audience was knowledgeable enough to understand this fight. If you are fortunate, you'll have the opportunity to hear my story behind this fight someday. THE FEAR Conquer it!
Practice. More Practice. Sacrifice. Discipline. Determination.
Goals and Affirmations read em twice daily.
a foto Zé Mario Sperry. Dustin Denes. Fabiano Capoane
Brazilian Top Team soldiers
locale Rio de janeiro
Brazilian Top Team soldiers
locale Rio de janeiro