Above pic Dustin Denes delivers The Punishment Due To Izuru Takeuchi
Kakutougi Tsushin Japanese magazine Outubro 2002
Kakutougi Tsushin Japanese magazine Outubro 2002
You want To BREAKTHROUGH And Achieve Your Goals?
I'm here to tell you from Experience You can do it! But there is a heavy price to pay
12 years old was my age when SACRIFICE became a necessary tool in my life. The word was used often in two of my preferred childhood schools, The Boxing gym and The Wrestling room. Had heard the word in training since I was eight, so a solid five years had already passed before it started making real sense. I also advanced on the topic with skateboarding. My homefront had a launch ramp at the end of a long driveway and a small ditch ramp in the yard. Just two houses down is where I'd skate with and learn from my Heroes at the Vert ramp - Cambodia 5. Learned lots about Speed, Power, and Most importantly Repetition on the ramps. Skateboarding is tough, you fall a lot! Don't fall and you'll make it! Practice Show up early and Leave late
Return to combat, I was inspired by a young and ferocious Mike Tyson. I began taking to the streets the early 0500 hours running before school. I built it to six miles with various sprint intervals and ways to churn the dial. Key word BUILT it Never fell from the sky. First day out I could barely run around the block, next day was better, and the next day even better, then around the neighborhood, and to add up the miles. It had to be something important to me, so what was it that I was willing to Sacrifice at the age of twelve ?
If the run was not completed, I would defect from eating breakfast. The way I saw it, if I could not complete the run and the goals that accompanied, I wouldn't earn my breakfast and it would need be skipped over. However, a completed run hard earned me my couple bowls of cereal. I learned from experience at an early age you only deserve what you earn. I would wake and run diligently, because I wanted my cereal. Afterall, Trix are for kids!
Not a perfect world, there were days where I overslept on snooze, or my alarm didn't go off . . I skipped breakfast on those days, and the run was made up after late day boxing or wrestling practice. Tough draw, accidents like that turn into hard lessons for the one's who are willing to own up. Minimize your regrets by making Sacrifice an integral part of your lifestyle if you are interested in The Phenomenon. It happens, for the one's who put in the work day after day, mo after mo, year after year and on.
Preparation is key. Pen and paper, set your Sacrifice and Own up. To Achieve Your Goals! From my experience, strongly consider take Full responsibility for your actions and the decisions you make, no matter the results NO Excuses
Set Goals and Affirmations Read 2X daily to catapult your Progress
I'm here to tell you from Experience You can do it! But there is a heavy price to pay
12 years old was my age when SACRIFICE became a necessary tool in my life. The word was used often in two of my preferred childhood schools, The Boxing gym and The Wrestling room. Had heard the word in training since I was eight, so a solid five years had already passed before it started making real sense. I also advanced on the topic with skateboarding. My homefront had a launch ramp at the end of a long driveway and a small ditch ramp in the yard. Just two houses down is where I'd skate with and learn from my Heroes at the Vert ramp - Cambodia 5. Learned lots about Speed, Power, and Most importantly Repetition on the ramps. Skateboarding is tough, you fall a lot! Don't fall and you'll make it! Practice Show up early and Leave late
Return to combat, I was inspired by a young and ferocious Mike Tyson. I began taking to the streets the early 0500 hours running before school. I built it to six miles with various sprint intervals and ways to churn the dial. Key word BUILT it Never fell from the sky. First day out I could barely run around the block, next day was better, and the next day even better, then around the neighborhood, and to add up the miles. It had to be something important to me, so what was it that I was willing to Sacrifice at the age of twelve ?
If the run was not completed, I would defect from eating breakfast. The way I saw it, if I could not complete the run and the goals that accompanied, I wouldn't earn my breakfast and it would need be skipped over. However, a completed run hard earned me my couple bowls of cereal. I learned from experience at an early age you only deserve what you earn. I would wake and run diligently, because I wanted my cereal. Afterall, Trix are for kids!
Not a perfect world, there were days where I overslept on snooze, or my alarm didn't go off . . I skipped breakfast on those days, and the run was made up after late day boxing or wrestling practice. Tough draw, accidents like that turn into hard lessons for the one's who are willing to own up. Minimize your regrets by making Sacrifice an integral part of your lifestyle if you are interested in The Phenomenon. It happens, for the one's who put in the work day after day, mo after mo, year after year and on.
Preparation is key. Pen and paper, set your Sacrifice and Own up. To Achieve Your Goals! From my experience, strongly consider take Full responsibility for your actions and the decisions you make, no matter the results NO Excuses
Set Goals and Affirmations Read 2X daily to catapult your Progress
Above pic Dustin Denes young on the grind, and local shredder Jerry on deck
Back-to-Basics Backside 50-50s and Skate or Die! Allday everyday during summers
Location Thrashers in Ocala late 1980's we had it made! Still do
Present Florida Boys Keeping Vert Dead link here
Back-to-Basics Backside 50-50s and Skate or Die! Allday everyday during summers
Location Thrashers in Ocala late 1980's we had it made! Still do
Present Florida Boys Keeping Vert Dead link here
The Sacrifices only got tougher over the years. From my understanding, achieved goals had to evolve quickly and become more challenging so to access the Next corridor/level -PROGRESSION- At the time of Brazilian Top Team's inception, my sacrifices were beyond the brink of insanity. Training Training and More Training in Rio de Janeiro, the epitome of overtraining. Hurt or injured, the show must go on! Why?
Because Time is undisputed. It stops for nobody. It You want to Achieve your goals, you can't take time lightly. Time wasted is time you'll never get back. And time is unforgiving, when taken for granted. NOW is the time To Make It Happen.
Like the hourglass, all energies down the same line Commitment to the task at hand. I tell you from experience, because I have veered the path more than once. Such negative impacts can be Destructive, But can also be Positively re-inforced by making sure it never happens again. I'm here to tell you, You will stumble, You will fall, You will receive lashings along the way. Point of CRISIS offers two directions . . 1) Panic and seize up to Threat [defect to the Negative --Most people] OR 2) Recognize the crisis as an Opportunity to be decisive [Commit to a Positive --the Few] and spin a negative into a positive.
Commit To Make Positive Impact Champions choice !
Because Time is undisputed. It stops for nobody. It You want to Achieve your goals, you can't take time lightly. Time wasted is time you'll never get back. And time is unforgiving, when taken for granted. NOW is the time To Make It Happen.
Like the hourglass, all energies down the same line Commitment to the task at hand. I tell you from experience, because I have veered the path more than once. Such negative impacts can be Destructive, But can also be Positively re-inforced by making sure it never happens again. I'm here to tell you, You will stumble, You will fall, You will receive lashings along the way. Point of CRISIS offers two directions . . 1) Panic and seize up to Threat [defect to the Negative --Most people] OR 2) Recognize the crisis as an Opportunity to be decisive [Commit to a Positive --the Few] and spin a negative into a positive.
Commit To Make Positive Impact Champions choice !
Above pic Carlos Santos Ricardo Libório Olavo Abreu and Clean
Location BTT Kimono Fighter treinamento para o Mundial 2001
Location BTT Kimono Fighter treinamento para o Mundial 2001
Learned wrestling at a young age: Rule #1 Women make legs weak
I always made some time for my girlfriend in Rio de janeiro. But when is "some time" No good?
I learned not good to have an all night of hard sex, and then show up for training the next morning. I did this once on a Tuesday night in Rio, enjoyed the night of stamina training, but didn't think it would affect my performance next day 10Am Kimono Training. Libório was coach that day and I got absolutely Murdered because I had zero hips. Coach couldn't even recognize me. The picture played out the same every round, me fighting valiantly but getting Destroyed over and over again. After that session, I made a pact with myself that it would never happen again. Notice, I turned the negative experience into positive energy. No point dwelling on the daily performance, when you can focus the energy on necessary changes for future betterment.
Fast-forward a couple weeks to an interval between classes at Equipe 1 - DLR academy. After 4Pm Kimono class, de la Riva and I went upstairs to the academy snack bar. I remember talking with de la Riva and all of a sudden my flipphone rang. It was girlfriend, and I was not happy (scarred by what occurred that one day at BTT). I answered the phone and told her, "Call me Saturday late day!" And that was that. IF she didn't like the deal, like the wrestling room "there's the FN door!" She understood.
Lesson, don't veer. Minimize your regrets.
I always made some time for my girlfriend in Rio de janeiro. But when is "some time" No good?
I learned not good to have an all night of hard sex, and then show up for training the next morning. I did this once on a Tuesday night in Rio, enjoyed the night of stamina training, but didn't think it would affect my performance next day 10Am Kimono Training. Libório was coach that day and I got absolutely Murdered because I had zero hips. Coach couldn't even recognize me. The picture played out the same every round, me fighting valiantly but getting Destroyed over and over again. After that session, I made a pact with myself that it would never happen again. Notice, I turned the negative experience into positive energy. No point dwelling on the daily performance, when you can focus the energy on necessary changes for future betterment.
Fast-forward a couple weeks to an interval between classes at Equipe 1 - DLR academy. After 4Pm Kimono class, de la Riva and I went upstairs to the academy snack bar. I remember talking with de la Riva and all of a sudden my flipphone rang. It was girlfriend, and I was not happy (scarred by what occurred that one day at BTT). I answered the phone and told her, "Call me Saturday late day!" And that was that. IF she didn't like the deal, like the wrestling room "there's the FN door!" She understood.
Lesson, don't veer. Minimize your regrets.
Above vid Be quik or Be deAd! Legs working are Lightning Fast!
Corner Ricardo de la Riva (black shirt) in coaches seat at end of red table
Secondary Coach Parrumpinha on the side of the mat screaming "TRIANGLE"
Corner Ricardo de la Riva (black shirt) in coaches seat at end of red table
Secondary Coach Parrumpinha on the side of the mat screaming "TRIANGLE"
Above pic Keith, Lennox, Clean and Donovan Razor Ruddock
Contenders boxing gym Training with Fists and strengthening my Russian iron -chin
Heavyweights I was the smallest by a longshot at 205lbs
Training at Contenders boxing gym was rough. Professional operation. Needed show up well rested, especially on sparring days M W F. If I wasn't Rested and Focused I would've gotten killed! (literally) It was so FN Tough! Talk about SACRIFICE I had to Sacrifice just about all in my life and PREPARATION became a lifestyle tool necessary to survive these guys on a weekly basis, let alone to Give it back and Hit em Hard! I sparred lots with Razor before the George Allen fight. He always honored my training said to me afterwards in a Jamaiican accent "You are Tough, Dustin! You keep coming forward!" I was numbed by his punches, Powerful left uppercuts to the body (belly-aches for weeks) and Right hands that stung hard in the middle of my face.
Janeiro 2002 MMA Fight link here
I was outside the arena post-victory with my carioca gal and the opponent (dangerous striker) had the nerve to tell me "You've got to learn to strike, everybody knows Jiu-Jitsu." Ha! I had just arm-locked the guy in :47 Round 1
Contenders boxing gym Training with Fists and strengthening my Russian iron -chin
Heavyweights I was the smallest by a longshot at 205lbs
Training at Contenders boxing gym was rough. Professional operation. Needed show up well rested, especially on sparring days M W F. If I wasn't Rested and Focused I would've gotten killed! (literally) It was so FN Tough! Talk about SACRIFICE I had to Sacrifice just about all in my life and PREPARATION became a lifestyle tool necessary to survive these guys on a weekly basis, let alone to Give it back and Hit em Hard! I sparred lots with Razor before the George Allen fight. He always honored my training said to me afterwards in a Jamaiican accent "You are Tough, Dustin! You keep coming forward!" I was numbed by his punches, Powerful left uppercuts to the body (belly-aches for weeks) and Right hands that stung hard in the middle of my face.
Janeiro 2002 MMA Fight link here
I was outside the arena post-victory with my carioca gal and the opponent (dangerous striker) had the nerve to tell me "You've got to learn to strike, everybody knows Jiu-Jitsu." Ha! I had just arm-locked the guy in :47 Round 1
SACRIFICE and Discipline returned me to FIGHT in Japan. The year prior was brutal with lots of time spent Diligently training in Rio de janeiro with Brazilian Top Team and Luiz Alves Muay Thai, but also with many travels for cross training in America with American Top Team, Contenders boxing, and plenty of time in the club wrestling room. The hard work paid off! 2002 I went undefeated 6-0 in Pro MMA. The lifestyle paid dividends with successful performances, but also took a heavy toll on the body, mind, and spirit. Champion workload is Not for everyone. It's an easy choice, but a much harder reality to live by -uncompromising.
Fevereiro 2003 MMA Fight link here
Too bad the vid is without audio 1) you'd hear my entry music 2PAC Still ballin' 2) you'd hear my coach screaming after I cut the opponent with a short right hook. Conan yelling "GO AFTER THE CUT!" That's right! Task at hand.
Fevereiro 2003 MMA Fight link here
Too bad the vid is without audio 1) you'd hear my entry music 2PAC Still ballin' 2) you'd hear my coach screaming after I cut the opponent with a short right hook. Conan yelling "GO AFTER THE CUT!" That's right! Task at hand.
Fast-Forward To The Present, I continue to live my life making Sacrifice. I can tell stories for a lifetime, but I'll tell you one for now. It's a Jiu-Jitsu story about a couple Heroes and a Russian bear. There's deeper element to the story which involves Sacrifice, Gameness, Hunger, Passion, Love, Demons, Determination, Discipline, Art, The Never Say Die attitude and The will to Win.
2016 was the year and I was scheduled to deliver a Saturday Seminar at HEROES Martial Arts in San Jose CA. As a pre-seminar stoke Passionate about, For the Love of Jiu-Jitsu and Art, I showed up with a girlfriend to the Friday evening open class, with plans to hit the Friday nite art fair immediately after. On arrival, my friend Gumby/owner of Heroes Martial Arts introduced me to a Black Belt by the name of Justin "Machine," quiet guy and very Respectful. Then I was introduced to another Black Belt, the guy a 230lbs Russian bear, he spoke briefly about competition and winning. Really small group that Friday night, only a few students present, but all departed after the short lesson.
I had no plans of training that night, just wanted to help the students then see some wonderful Art. However, my own demons got involved and the plans changed. Understand, I hadn't trained Jiu-Jitsu in several weeks. The weeks prior spent in the mountains in nature away from the everyday chaos of tour and big cities. Although it was a time of recovery, it was also a time to stay ahead so to not fall behind. Reminder The Enemy is Training. For weeks in the mountains, everyday first thing in the morning, I would run diligent uphill sprints for hours on in the cold air. I hate sprints! Sprint up and walk down, over and over and over again. It was FN brutal! There was nobody there by my side cheering me on "Go Clean Go!" It was me against myself, everyday. Sacrifice. Discipline.
Myself, Girl, Machine, and The Russian bear all ready to train Jiu-Jitsu. I was the more graduated Black Belt by longshot so organized the training scheme. I went with Machine first, figured I'd decimate him quickly, then do the same with the Russian. I told the Russian to be easy and give good tips for the girl. Too much experience, I gamed The Machine quickly outta the gate to a Heartstopper dead end! I thought about moving on to sort the Russian, but decided I would notch another quick one on Machine. Its like I woke a sleeping dog called Gameness Machine armed with a True high-level background training and competiton. A Ralph Gracie OG student, I learned quickly that this guy was for real!
He wouldn't quit and kept fighting hard. For the next 40 minutes, I gave this guy a beating that very few could survive, let alone recover from and retaliate. At one point late on, I got his back and locked in a solid rear-naked choke, I thought to myself "Get this guy outta here!" Never say die attitude Machine didn't tap and my arm gave out. He escaped and turned the corner to top position. I was exactly where I didn't want to be, in my guard on bottom and very tired, yet present The will to Win.
Jiu-Jitsu is very much like Surfing. No matter how much you train to not be in the wrong position, the reality is you will end up there at some point. This is where PREPARATION and SACRIFICE can Make The Difference.
I was so tired, and Machine could sense it. He was Hungry and could smell my blood. He brought heat and advanced to a dominant half guard on top. In bad position and seeing out o the corner of my eye, The Russian Bear and the girl (finished their round long ago) looking on in amazement of how this battle had been escalating. I'm well schooled from training with the Best in Brasil, so if anybody could pull off victory in such a horrible situation --I would definitely qualify because I learned to keep a card up my sleeve.
Arona used to say to me "sempre tenho carta na manga." Translated "I always have a card up my sleeve."
2016 was the year and I was scheduled to deliver a Saturday Seminar at HEROES Martial Arts in San Jose CA. As a pre-seminar stoke Passionate about, For the Love of Jiu-Jitsu and Art, I showed up with a girlfriend to the Friday evening open class, with plans to hit the Friday nite art fair immediately after. On arrival, my friend Gumby/owner of Heroes Martial Arts introduced me to a Black Belt by the name of Justin "Machine," quiet guy and very Respectful. Then I was introduced to another Black Belt, the guy a 230lbs Russian bear, he spoke briefly about competition and winning. Really small group that Friday night, only a few students present, but all departed after the short lesson.
I had no plans of training that night, just wanted to help the students then see some wonderful Art. However, my own demons got involved and the plans changed. Understand, I hadn't trained Jiu-Jitsu in several weeks. The weeks prior spent in the mountains in nature away from the everyday chaos of tour and big cities. Although it was a time of recovery, it was also a time to stay ahead so to not fall behind. Reminder The Enemy is Training. For weeks in the mountains, everyday first thing in the morning, I would run diligent uphill sprints for hours on in the cold air. I hate sprints! Sprint up and walk down, over and over and over again. It was FN brutal! There was nobody there by my side cheering me on "Go Clean Go!" It was me against myself, everyday. Sacrifice. Discipline.
Myself, Girl, Machine, and The Russian bear all ready to train Jiu-Jitsu. I was the more graduated Black Belt by longshot so organized the training scheme. I went with Machine first, figured I'd decimate him quickly, then do the same with the Russian. I told the Russian to be easy and give good tips for the girl. Too much experience, I gamed The Machine quickly outta the gate to a Heartstopper dead end! I thought about moving on to sort the Russian, but decided I would notch another quick one on Machine. Its like I woke a sleeping dog called Gameness Machine armed with a True high-level background training and competiton. A Ralph Gracie OG student, I learned quickly that this guy was for real!
He wouldn't quit and kept fighting hard. For the next 40 minutes, I gave this guy a beating that very few could survive, let alone recover from and retaliate. At one point late on, I got his back and locked in a solid rear-naked choke, I thought to myself "Get this guy outta here!" Never say die attitude Machine didn't tap and my arm gave out. He escaped and turned the corner to top position. I was exactly where I didn't want to be, in my guard on bottom and very tired, yet present The will to Win.
Jiu-Jitsu is very much like Surfing. No matter how much you train to not be in the wrong position, the reality is you will end up there at some point. This is where PREPARATION and SACRIFICE can Make The Difference.
I was so tired, and Machine could sense it. He was Hungry and could smell my blood. He brought heat and advanced to a dominant half guard on top. In bad position and seeing out o the corner of my eye, The Russian Bear and the girl (finished their round long ago) looking on in amazement of how this battle had been escalating. I'm well schooled from training with the Best in Brasil, so if anybody could pull off victory in such a horrible situation --I would definitely qualify because I learned to keep a card up my sleeve.
Arona used to say to me "sempre tenho carta na manga." Translated "I always have a card up my sleeve."
Above pic Ricardo Arona and Clean
Locale Campeonato Brasileiro do Jiu-Jitsu 2000 Rio de janeiro
Champion tip "You are who You hang out with."
Locale Campeonato Brasileiro do Jiu-Jitsu 2000 Rio de janeiro
Champion tip "You are who You hang out with."
I knew I had to make it happen, and get it over with immediately. It was only a matter of time before I would have nothing left. I loaded one last shot via Terror-lock . . I fought like Hell and Got in, and Got to my angle. I knew it was Check mate . . But Machine Tough as they come and spilling blood was still not respecting my lock-in . . I had No choice but to Power the throttle. Only in the final moment is when he acknowledged that I didn't care for his hesitation to tap and was proceeding to do damage --he verbally advised. Anything less from me and I would've been a chalk outline on the academy mats. To this day and forever what an honor, Machine earned my Respect HERO Thank you
Old school Powerhouse lineages do Brasil. Clube Carlson Gracie my roots, and these guys Ralph Gracie. Rival schools within the Jiu-Jitsu world. However Jiu-Jitsu warriors united against the world at Battlecade eXtreme Fighting - The original. Ralph Gracie was the lightweight champion and Jiu-Jitsu representative for his weight class. My teacher Marcus "Conan" Silveira was the heavyweight champion and Jiu-Jitsu representative for his weight class. Pioneers. Warriors. Real Jiu-Jitsu Fighter roots.
My body was depleted when I got up. I remember looking at the Russian and saying something like "another time my man." I recall him staring down at me with a look of disappointment, like I owed him the training or something. Demons officially in the game. The training with Machine was epic unforgettable and hard fought, but went way over time and the art show was about to start. Girl went for showers on edge because late for the art show. Although depleted, I gained a second wind and fixed my mind, and got in Determination mode. I decided the Russian needed to receive a lesson in Respect.
Like many things in life, Timing is everything
Damnit! The Russian bear made my life absolutely miserable for the next twenty minutes. Outta the gate, he quickly soured my plans of a quick submission and beat me up pretty bad, but couldn't submit me. I remember my face getting smashed into the mat and my bones aching from his weight and impact. I was helpless for most the time, body sapped and running on zero. Guy's power was full throttle, but he was dealing with a Real Pro. I was in deep shit with Machine, and now much deeper shit with the Russian bear. I needed to load another last shot so strategized a Thunderous surprise reversal from bottom position. It would be Do or Die!
Key words for a timing formula Anticipate and Alignment
IT WORKED! Thanks to Preparation and The Sacrifice
The other HERO The Artist, she. Thank you.
And Thank you my friend, Gumby.
Old school Powerhouse lineages do Brasil. Clube Carlson Gracie my roots, and these guys Ralph Gracie. Rival schools within the Jiu-Jitsu world. However Jiu-Jitsu warriors united against the world at Battlecade eXtreme Fighting - The original. Ralph Gracie was the lightweight champion and Jiu-Jitsu representative for his weight class. My teacher Marcus "Conan" Silveira was the heavyweight champion and Jiu-Jitsu representative for his weight class. Pioneers. Warriors. Real Jiu-Jitsu Fighter roots.
My body was depleted when I got up. I remember looking at the Russian and saying something like "another time my man." I recall him staring down at me with a look of disappointment, like I owed him the training or something. Demons officially in the game. The training with Machine was epic unforgettable and hard fought, but went way over time and the art show was about to start. Girl went for showers on edge because late for the art show. Although depleted, I gained a second wind and fixed my mind, and got in Determination mode. I decided the Russian needed to receive a lesson in Respect.
Like many things in life, Timing is everything
Damnit! The Russian bear made my life absolutely miserable for the next twenty minutes. Outta the gate, he quickly soured my plans of a quick submission and beat me up pretty bad, but couldn't submit me. I remember my face getting smashed into the mat and my bones aching from his weight and impact. I was helpless for most the time, body sapped and running on zero. Guy's power was full throttle, but he was dealing with a Real Pro. I was in deep shit with Machine, and now much deeper shit with the Russian bear. I needed to load another last shot so strategized a Thunderous surprise reversal from bottom position. It would be Do or Die!
Key words for a timing formula Anticipate and Alignment
IT WORKED! Thanks to Preparation and The Sacrifice
The other HERO The Artist, she. Thank you.
And Thank you my friend, Gumby.